What is the title of the third novel in The Vanishing Girl series? If Amazon picks up the novel, then it will likely hit shelves before then. The Decaying Empire comes out April 21, 2015, so if I self-publish, the third novel will hit shelves in late fall 2016. Essentially, if Amazon does not offer me a contract for the third book in the series, I have to wait 18 months after The Decaying Empire hits shelves before I’m allowed to publish the third novel. When will the final book in The Vanishing Girl trilogy come out? So if you were curious about shifters, witches, cambions, and other strange creatures, I’ll have more books coming your way! I’ve also been toying with the idea of potentially writing another book from Gabrielle’s point of view at some point in the future, but don’t expect any progress on this front for another couple years! While I’m ending the series with The Damned, I’m going to be writing other series that take place in this same world. Will there only be five books in The Unearthly series? The Unearthly, The Vanishing Girl, and The Fallen World Series