The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

At io9, Michael Ann Dobbs appreciated that the strong characterization made the novel "remarkably compelling and fascinating" despite consisting almost exclusively of court intrigue and not having the protagonist really do anything: the novel, according to Dobbs, "mostly eschews plot-heavy histrionics in favor of warmth, psychological depth, and hope". The Goblin Emperor received positive reviews. An epithet accorded to him by a courtier, "the bridgebuilder", represents his efforts to connect emotionally with the people surrounding him slowly coming to fruition.

The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

The end of the novel sees Maia survive an assassination attempt by the conspiracy's ringleader, and push through a controversial project to bridge the realm's principal river. He survives an attempted coup by his half-brother's widow and his lord chancellor because his young nephew Idra refuses to usurp the throne, and his investigation into the death of his father uncovers a conspiracy by disaffected noblemen that had been using a group of worker revolutionaries to kill the previous Emperor. In the course of the first few months of his reign, Maia agrees to marry the noblewoman Csethiro is seized by a crush on the opera singer Vechin is visited by his maternal grandfather, the ruler of the Goblins and slowly comes to terms with the loss of privacy that comes with being accompanied by bodyguards and retainers at all times. Having been brought up entirely in exile from the court, living with an abusive cousin, the court is alien to him and his lack of social polish and connections make it difficult to take up his new responsibilities. Maia, youngest and least-favored son of the Emperor of the Elflands and of mixed Elven and Goblin heritage, unexpectedly ascends to the throne after his father and half-brothers are killed in an airship crash. The book tells the story of Maia, a young man of mixed Elven and Goblin heritage, who unexpectedly becomes Emperor of the Elflands, and has to contend with the court's byzantine power structure as well as racial and social tension in his realm. It was well-received by critics, who noted the strength of the protagonist's characterization and, unusual for fantasy, the work's warm and understated tone. The novel received the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel and was nominated for the Nebula, Hugo and World Fantasy Awards.

The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

The Goblin Emperor is a 2014 fantasy novel written by the American author Sarah Monette under the pseudonym Katherine Addison. Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (2015) 2014 novel by Katherine Addison The Goblin Emperor

The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison