It was during this time that Hughes first began to write poetry, and one of his teachers introduced him to the poetry of Carl Sandburg and Walt Whitman, both of whom Hughes would later cite as primary influences. From that point, he went to live with his mother, and they moved to several cities before eventually settling in Cleveland, Ohio. While Hughes’ mother moved around during his youth, Hughes was raised primarily by his maternal grandmother, Mary, until she died in his early teens. His parents, James Hughes and Carrie Langston, separated soon after his birth, and his father moved to Mexico. James Mercer Langston Hughes was born on February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. He went on to write countless works of poetry, prose and plays, as well as a popular column for the Chicago Defender.

A leading light of the Harlem Renaissance, Hughes published his first book in 1926. He attended Columbia University, but left after one year to travel. Langston Hughes published his first poem in 1921.