M train by patti smith
M train by patti smith

m train by patti smith

M Train begins in the tiny Greenwich Village café where Smith goes every morning for black coffee, ruminates on the world as it is and the world as it was, and writes in her notebook. With that being said, let’s jump straight into the review!

m train by patti smith

We get some lush backgrounds as she travels, which I very much enjoyed, and we get that classic Patti Smith prose that’s just music to our ears. Named after a train line on the New York City subway, we follow Smith’s adventures going to cafes, being a writer, and some side trips away from the city along the way. While I was tempted to reach for the illustrated version of Just Kids, I grabbed the one book I actually hadn’t read yet, which was M Train. But, like so many books I’ve reviewed on this blog, I stumbled upon this while wandering the biography section in my library. I have a review on that one, find it here. I then read Devotion, which was a strange hybrid of memoir and fiction that I just didn’t understand. That and Crying in H Mart are my favorite memoirs, hands down. The first was her classic Just Kids, in which she recalls her relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe, and I don’t think anything could ever top the magic that Just Kids created.

M train by patti smith