Fortunately he can lean on his reliable colleague, the discreet and dapper Atherton, who always has a ready ear and an apt pun for even the most gruesome occasions. While struggling with the case, Slider is occupied with a maddening new boss and a personal crisis pitting his passionate devotion to his violinist mistress against his responsibility to his wife and family. Publication Order of Bill Slider Books Orchestrated Death, (1991) Death Watch, (1992) Necrochip / Death to Go, (1993) Dead End / Grave Music, (1994) Blood.

The reader is often a jump ahead of Slider-but only one jump, so surprises abound. Body parts continue to surface as events expand to include a sinister business tycoon, a prostitutes' rooming house, three mysterious Asians, an odd mix of gay men and five murders. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles is the author of the hugely popular Morland Dynasty novels, which have captivated and. As soon as he's solved the motel mystery, Bill is going to have to put his own house in order. A Bill Slider Mystery (2) Cynthia Harrod-Eagles. And that's not the only thing Slider is questioning. This witty, intricate puzzle by the author of Orchestrated Death begins as a. Then when a noted womanizer dies in mysterious fire in a sleazy motel and the whole of his murky past comes to light, Slider begins to question whether this was suicide. by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles RELEASE DATE: Feb. Detective Inspector Bill Slider is called on when a teenager finds a human finger among the fried potatoes she ordered at a London fish-and-chips shop. Scribner Book Company, 20 (281pp) ISBN 978-0-3. But each new kernel of evidence reveals an increasingly complex web of criminal intrigue. This witty, intricate puzzle by the author of Orchestrated Death begins as a supposed crime passionelle.